KMT Waterjet Customer Testimonials

Euro Floor Design cutting ceramics, carpeting, tiles, floor coverings and more. 3:42

Xixlix Systems' Spectrum cake cutter demonstrates 1,000 ipm waterjet cutting of sheet cake. 5:14

The flexibility of the waterjet system has reduced loss percentages considerably for Hoffman Fixtures. 2:00

ALCO Industrial Equipment found they were cutting more than they had initially planned on their waterjet. 4:29

Twinco Mfg. Co. says waterjet has "expanded our capabilities beyond what we could imagine". 4:53

I-Cubed Industry Innovators designed ABB Robot System cuts a 14" steel gear at 87,000psi. 1:39

Stone Works Of Oregon uses a combination saw/waterjet cutter to cut granite in less time. 4:30

Precision Waterjet Concepts' 5-Axis water jet travels to 185 degrees and their 4-Axis travels to full 370 degree cutting range.  3:27

Maximum Industries has found that waterjet can cut most anything profitably. 3:39

Krando Metal Products found production has doubled, with no operating cost increase, and has reduced the cost per part by roughly 60-65%. 4:49